- iodoform
- йодоформ, -му
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
Iodoform — Iodoform … Wikipedia
iodoform — IODOFÓRM s.n. Substanţă solidă, de culoare galbenă cu miros caracteristic, neplăcut şi persistent, foarte puţin solubilă în apă, întrebuinţată în medicină ca antiseptic, anestezic, cicatrizant etc. – Din fr. iodoforme, germ. Iodoform. Trimis de… … Dicționar Român
Iodoform — I*od o*form, n. [Iodo + formyl. See {Formyl}, and cf. {Chloroform}.] (Chem.) A yellow, crystalline, volatile substance, {CI3H}, having an offensive odor and sweetish taste, and analogous to chloroform. It is used in medicine as a healing and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Iodoform — Iodoform, C2HI3, dem Chloroform analoge Verbindung (s.u. Iod I. K); es krystallisirt in großen gelben Krystallen, welche sich in Alkohol u. Äther, nicht in Wasser lösen u. safranähnlich riechen; es schmilzt bei 100° u. verflüchtigt sich… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
iodoform — [ī ō′də fôrm΄] n. [ IODO + FORM(YL)] a yellowish, crystalline compound of iodine, CHI3, used as an antiseptic in surgical dressings … English World dictionary
Iodoform — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Iodoform Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
iodoform — /uy oh deuh fawrm , uy od euh /, n. Chem. a yellowish, crystalline, water insoluble solid, CHI3, analogous to chloroform, and having a penetrating odor: used chiefly as an antiseptic. Also called triiodomethane. [1830 40; IODO + FORM] * * * ▪… … Universalium
Iodoform — Io|do|fọrm [↑ Iod u. ↑ Formyl (2)], das; s; Syn.: Triiodmethan: CHI3; gelbe, charakteristisch u. durchdringend riechende Kristalle, Smp. 123 ºC, die früher zur Wunddesinfektion benutzt wurden. Das ↑ Haloform I. entsteht u. a. bei der Umsetzung… … Universal-Lexikon
iodoform — jodoformas statusas T sritis chemija formulė CHI₃ atitikmenys: angl. iodoform; triodomethane rus. иодоформ; трииодометан ryšiai: sinonimas – trijodmetanas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
iodoform odour — a slightly irritating odour similar to iodoform found in some fish, typically confined to certain fishing grounds and seasons … Dictionary of ichthyology
iodoform — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary iod + form (as in chloroform) Date: 1838 a yellow crystalline volatile compound CHI3 with a penetrating persistent odor that is used as an antiseptic dressing … New Collegiate Dictionary